Howie’s student guide to staying fit!

Let me guess, you were drinking six jaeger bombs on New Year’s Eve and deciding this is your year? Planning to lose sixty pounds in twelve months, all to get that Cumberbatch jawline or Kim K’s body? Here are Alex’s top tips on getting fit at uni for the New Year.

If you are reading this, congratulations for wanting to improve your fitness in the New Year! If you’ve struggled with your fitness goals in the past, don’t fret… You’re in the same boat as 26 million Brits who fail their fitness resolution every year. New Year resolutions evolve from false hope, so having realistic ambitions will help you achieve long-term goals methodically during the next 12 months.

Firstly, dieting and liquidized detoxing are the worst methods you can use; healthy eating can’t be forced or won’t become routine as your mind will drift.

Detoxing is worse – it has been known to cause stress, depression and negative body effects. Obsessive dieting will only pressurize your mental capacity to eat very little, drifting towards the risk of malnutrition.


Look into your cupboard/fridge/freezer then make a list of meals based on these foods. Now scrap that and improve those meals based on healthier alternatives i.e. sweet potatoes for white potatoes and Quorn for red meat. It’s all about your meal selection; are the meals easy to make? Could you create leftovers for lunch after a lecture?

Understand the vast difference between you and Instagram fitness freaks who have fat bank accounts with sponsored nutrition companies plugging every drug to the brainwashed teen-adulthood.

It’s not comparative; take away knowledge and understanding, but please don’t focus on every detail that makes them achieve their dream physique.

Relating to “How To Master Mindfulness” , the only hurdle that’s stopping your goals is you. A big step is cleansing your mind of negative thoughts to create space for positive thinking and a healthy attitude.

Howard’s Health Tips…


  1. Choose exercises & fitness styles YOU enjoy – Tailor exercises that make YOU happy and determined to make exercise part of your routine and a healthy habit.
  2. Research healthy eating through valid sources – It’s a saturated market on Amazon; full of cook books with opening bios into why you should waste money. Buy one and that’s your basis, so make sure you do your research. Look around the supermarket and open your eyes to healthier alternatives that you can substitute into your meals.
  3. YOUR target is 30 mins of exercise…starting now! – The government recommends sixty minutes, but they’ve got plenty on their plate. So aim for a small target and as the weeks roll by and increase this to an hour depending on your exercise.
  4. Water is your new partner, sorry babe – Yes I am fully aware water is a inanimate liquid that has no feelings. But with clearer skin, stronger muscles, increased water retention, purer bladder and intestines whilst burning fat, you need to be devoted to this undervalued liquid.
  5. Routine, Routine, Routine – It takes 28 days to create a habit and integrate an exercise plan into your daily routine. Make time for fitness and methodically plan your days to use your spare time wisely.
  6. Bin out junk food and a bad attitude – Cleanse the cupboards of fatty, unhealthy foods and replace with plant-based alternatives to give energy for those tiring workouts over the next few weeks. Throw away those takeaway menus.img_2067

 “The only pain that exists, is giving up.” I believe in every single person who reads this, aspires to shed some pounds, get those abs or become a healthier person. The only obstacle that’s stopping you…IS YOU and only [INSERT YOUR NAME].

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